Fostering Growth and Community

Fostering Growth and Community

At Atrium Management Company, we believe that a successful business starts with a strong, supportive team. Our unique approach to attracting and retaining top talent is built on a foundation of authenticity, personal growth, and a deep commitment to community involvement. This philosophy not only helps us maintain a happy and motivated workforce but also ensures that we deliver exceptional service to our clients. We were recently recognized by the Orlando Business Journal as the #4 Best Place to Work in the small business category — you can see the OBJ’s writeup here.

Unique Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees

One of the key ways Atrium stands out is by offering our team members the opportunity to invest in our real estate deals. This isn’t just an employee benefit; it’s a way to make our team members truly vested in the success of the company. By encouraging them to invest, we align our team’s personal financial goals with the company’s objectives, fostering a deeper sense of ownership and commitment.

Beyond financial incentives, we take a genuine interest in the personal goals and endeavors of our employees. We encourage our team to get involved in their communities and pursue whatever aspirations they may have outside of work. This holistic approach to employee well-being ensures that our team members feel valued not just for their contributions at work but as individuals with diverse interests and ambitions.

We also host monthly instructional meetings to guide our employees in real estate investing, providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to build their financial future. Paired with our Friday happy hours, these initiatives create a balanced environment where learning and relaxation go hand in hand.

Cultivating a Unique Company Culture

At Atrium, authenticity is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that by giving our employees the recognition and respect they deserve, we make them proud to represent our company. In a world where people crave genuine interactions, we’ve embraced the mantra: “Be weird, be goofy—just be you.” This culture of authenticity permeates our workplace, making it a place where everyone feels comfortable being themselves.

Our team’s favorite venues for company outings, including local gems like Milkhouse, Sideward Brewery, and Primrose Lanes, reflect our laid-back yet connected work environment. These outings are more than just social events; they’re an opportunity for our team to bond, unwind, and enjoy the vibrant Central Florida community together.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to bring back on-site fitness perks, a pre-Covid favorite among our employees. This initiative reflects our ongoing commitment to employee well-being, ensuring that our team has the resources they need to stay healthy, both mentally and physically.

Leadership and Vision

Adam Wonus, the owner of Atrium Management Company, has been instrumental in shaping the company’s culture. Under his leadership, Atrium has cultivated an environment where employees feel valued and empowered. Inspired by the principles in Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, Adam leads with a vision that balances hard work with authenticity, encouraging his team to pursue excellence while staying true to who they are.

At the end of the day, Atrium Management Company is more than just a business; it’s a community where employees and clients alike are valued and supported. By fostering a culture of authenticity, investing in our team’s personal and professional growth, and maintaining a strong connection to the local community, we continue to build a workplace where everyone can thrive. Whether you’re a client or a potential team member, we invite you to be a part of our journey as we grow together.

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