Seven Mistakes to Avoid During Hurricane Season

Seven Mistakes to Avoid During Hurricane Season

As a property owner, ensuring the safety and preparedness of your property and residents during hurricane season is crucial. Avoiding these seven common mistakes will help you safeguard your investments and protect those who reside in your properties.

1. Not Reviewing Your Property Insurance Policies

The first step in hurricane preparedness is to thoroughly review your property insurance policies. Ensure that your coverage is adequate for hurricane-related damages. Understand what is covered and what isn't, and consider increasing your coverage if necessary. This can help you avoid unexpected expenses in the aftermath of a storm.

2. Not Considering Flood Insurance Coverage

Standard property insurance policies typically do not cover flood damage. Given that hurricanes often bring heavy rains and storm surges, it's wise to invest in a separate flood insurance policy. This additional coverage can be a lifesaver in the event of significant flooding.

3. Not Keeping Hard Copies of Important Documents

During a hurricane, internet and power outages are common. Keep hard copies of bill payment information, insurance documents, and property records. Having these documents readily accessible can streamline the recovery process and ensure you have all necessary information at hand.

4. Not Preparing the Property

Proper property maintenance can significantly reduce the risk of hurricane damage. Ensure trees are trimmed to prevent branches from falling on buildings or power lines. Install storm shutters or reinforce windows and doors to withstand high winds. Regularly inspect and maintain the roof to ensure it is in good condition, as a sturdy roof can prevent water damage. 

5. Not Thinking About Your Residents

Your responsibility extends beyond the physical property; it includes the well-being of your residents. Communicate with them about hurricane preparedness, provide them with emergency contact numbers, and create an emergency plan that includes evacuation routes and procedures. Consider providing resources or guidance on creating personal emergency kits. 

6. Not Understanding Your Legal Responsibilities to Residents

As a property owner, you have legal responsibilities to your residents, especially in times of crisis. Ensure you are aware of and comply with local and state regulations regarding resident safety and property maintenance. Providing a safe living environment is not only a legal obligation but also fosters trust and goodwill between you and your residents. 

7. Trying to Do it All On Your Own

Preparation is key to minimizing the impact of hurricanes on your property and residents. By reviewing your insurance policies, securing necessary coverage, maintaining your property, and prioritizing resident safety, you can face hurricane season with greater confidence. It's imperative that you stay proactive and informed to protect your investments and the people who rely on you...which can be a lot. If you don't already have a professional property management company you can trust, that should be your first step. 

Doing all the hurricane prep listed above, plus handling resident issues, plus doing leasing and maintenance, plus knowing how to not run afoul of legal everything a lot. If you don't have a trusted property management partner, find one soon. Even if Atrium isn't the right fit for you, we can help you find the right one. There are lots of other good property management companies out there — we just want to make sure you're covered, protected, and can rest easy knowing your investment is in good hands. 

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